Solar Electric

Solar Electric

Using the free energy of the sun to power your life and business

Photovoltaic panels convert the abundant light from the sun into electricity. A roof mount, ground mount, or pole mount system can generate some or all of the electricity your home or business needs. 

Cost Savings - Financial returns and lower monthly utility bills are major incentives for going solar. The exact savings you will see with solar depends on the following: 
  • Electricity consumption
  • Solar energy system size
  • Whether you purchase or lease your system
  • Direct hours of daily sunlight
  • Size and angle of roof
  • Local electricity rates

Increased Home Value - Solar panels are viewed as upgrades, like a renovated kitchen or a finished basement, so purchasing a solar energy system will likely increase your home’s value. Studies show that homeowners pay a premium for a solar home; one study by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory showed that on average, solar increased the value of a home by about $15,000. 
Let's Talk Solar

Is now the right time to install solar?

Solar Works Everywhere - The solar resource of the United States is enormous. In fact, just one hour of noontime summer sun is equal to the annual U.S. electricity demand.  Most states in the United States have good-to-excellent solar resource. Even places with relatively low solar resources, such as the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, can experience cost savings, and have similar solar resources to countries that have widely developed solar PV, like Germany.

We use a range of top quality panels and inverters to meet the requirements of each individual project.

Generac Solar Battery Backup

For off-grid installations or applications focused on achieving net-zero energy, we use Generac PWRcell Energy Storage Systems.

Solar battery backup systems store excess energy during harvesting hours to supply system needs during the night.

SolarEdge Inverters & Optimizers

For peak performance, NES chooses SolarEdge inverters and power optimzers.

These innovative system components algorithmically maximize and monitor the power output of the photovoltaic system.

The Hudson Valley's Solar Electric Experts!

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