Ground Source Heat Pump
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This short video does a great job of introducing the concepts and values of implementing geothermal energy.
Once installed, a geothermal system requires less maintenance than a conventional heating and cooling system and functions more efficiently, delivering an impressive five units of energy for every one unit of electrical energy used. That converts to a 500 percent efficiency rating and that means you'll see up to 70 percent savings on heating, cooling and hot water costs.
Forty-seven percent of the sun's energy that reaches earth is stored in the ground as heat. Geothermal systems draw from this heating potential using an earth loop system; collecting this free heat for your home.
During the heating cycle, a WaterFurnace geothermal heat pump uses the earth loop to draw heat from the ground. As the system draws heat from the loop it distributes it through a conventional duct system as warm air. The same heat energy can also be put to use for a radiant floor system or household hot water heating.
Conditioning air is just the reverse process used in the heating cycle. Warm air is driven by the geothermal heat pump into the ground. By getting rid of the warm air, all that is left is cool air radiating throughout your home. Heating your water during this process is "free".
This closed-loop system uses flexible piping laid out in a trench several feet below the frost line.
This system uses flexible pipe installed into drilled bore holes usually several hundred feet deep.
This system uses water from an underground source and returns water to that same source after heating or cooling the structure.
This is the least expensive system to install as it uses the energy stored in pond water.
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